I am SHAMELESSLY coordinated. I've been red and black for 20 years
and three horses. I had thought of going teal with Dezi, but it would have
been way too expensive, since everything I own is red now. I even had to
fork out big bucks for an LAS helmet....mainly because it was red. If you
want to see how red-and-black one person can actually be, go
to wwwdotmndradotcom, hit "photos and fun stuff" and scroll to the bottom
where you can see me as a dazed and rather manic 1st time 100-miler in all my
coordinated glory! My take on it is, as long as you don't think it's going
to make you a better rider or help you win, then go for it. Why stick with
black and brown when we've got all that glorious technicolor biothane to choose