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Re: [RC] horse lamness question - Jennifer Fleet

Hi Karen,

Yep, I know! ?I actually was one of the first people to test out this shoe almost 2 years ago when I lived in CA. ?Gene Ovnieck sent my farrier (Craig Root) a prototype to use after Craig called him for a consult re: Shahtahr's injury. ?Gene and I also spoke on the phone about his lameness. ?I had the prototypes on Shahtahr for one shoe cycle, but then I moved to FL and had to use regular NBs for awhile with my new FL farrier. ?Recently, he attended one of Gene's clinics and they were discussing my horse (Gene remembered my case!) and Gene gave him some of those same shoes that are now actually in production. ?They're on Shahtahr right now and we did our first CTR in Florida in them two weeks ago ?:) ? ?Our plan is too keep him in them from here on out.

I just love how innovative Gene is.


Karen Standefer wrote:

Jennifer, NB has a new shoe (can only purchase direct from them right now) called the PLR (or Centre Fit) that is wonderful for horses with collateral ligament damage. ?And, actually it’s a great shoe for any horse because it has better than average breakover all around the hoof which can help prevent this type of injury in all but catastrophic circumstances.? It’s also not quite as bulky as the regular NB shoe and is made of a bit softer steel so that the horse can better wear his own breakover quicker.




From: Jennifer Fleet [mailto:jlthompson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:08 PM
To: Karen Standefer
Cc: 'Kathie Ford'; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RC] horse lamness question


After six months of stall rest and a long careful rehab we were back competing the next year. ?Also, very careful shoeing now, using NB shoeing methods and special frog support pads to support the inner foot, keeping breakover well back, and making sure his angles are kept correct, keep him sound. ?He tends towards the long toe, low heel thing which doesn't help.

He does have a small bone spur that formed where the ligament tore away from the navicular bone, and on occasion it will bug him when lunged with that foot on the outside, but not always. ?He always trots sound on the straight though.


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[RC] horse lamness question, Kathie Ford
RE: [RC] horse lamness question, Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] horse lamness question, Jennifer Fleet
RE: [RC] horse lamness question, Karen Standefer