Hello, Trying to locate lost GAHR Riders i
found time to do some interesting stats.....
91 started
10 were from Europe, Canada and Australia or
11 are deceased and outside this small study at
52 have No Record within AERC (Thank you, Judy) at
So 57 plus 12 plus 10.9= 79.9% never became AERC
Members. (Other that Virl, Smokey, Eva, Sam and Doc who were at one
time AERC Members and Norm, Lloyd, Bill, Roger, Bill, Juel, Max who were not and
Max was counted in the Europeans were not AERC Members and balance out those
that were). I'm sure from a statistical point of view i mad blunders but
its w/in 5% margin of error i'd think.
Which leaves about 20% of GAHR Veterans were at one
time AERC Members. I wonder how this study would be with the recent Great
Sante Fe Race? ts