Between Dot, my wife
Arlene and I we have over 30 thousand miles of competition all wearing Jeans
with minimal problems.
If you add in training
rides the mileage goes up over 100 thousand miles of wearing out those Jeans.
Morris Endurance
Message----- From:
ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Dot
Wiggins Sent: Saturday,
November 24, 2007 9:21 AM To:
Beth Leggieri; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [RC] Long distance riding and
Hoping for suggestions to those of you
who wear jeans, not breeches/tights/jods, when riding longer
distances. Am looking for advice for how to avoid the "crunch at
the knee" that causes blisters, etc. This is for a friend who will
be doing mostly walking, some trotting--and not posting, and some
I've seen some postings on this --
1. True that wearing pantyhose
under jeans helps avert the friction from seams?
YES. I've
never ridden in anything else. Panty hose in a size larger than you
usually wear works well, don't need to be tight. In cold weather I
use cheap exercise tights, they keep you surprizingly warm. The
"tapered leg", "slim leg" styles work best. If there is a tendency to
work up, use an under the instep strap to prevent the
2. And for those who for whatever
reasons prefer not to ride in form-fitting riding attire, what else would
work? Anyone ridden in sweat pants?
Never tried it but know some that
use sweat pants a lot, they work for them.
3. A cowboy told me that's what
chaps are for -- ?? Do any of you ride in full chaps over jeans and find
that the chaps do protect your skin from rubs and
If the chaps are light
weight soft leather, fit well, "shotgun"
they will help. Fit is
everything. Nice when it's raining and cold if they are the right
kind. The good ones are expensive, but they will last a
lifetime. They can be a little heavy if you walk or jog with the horse,
or while cooling at a vet check.
I just can't bring myself to wear
soft fabric between me and the trees and thorn brush.
{;>) I can see $$$ left on the brush, with jeans the
stickers just slide off.
Thanks for helpful advice. You can
reply privately if you wish, but I'm thinking that perhaps there may be some
lurking newbies who might benefit from contributed