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[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] And the Winner Is.... - Maryanne Stroud GabbaniFor once I'm in the right spot for something as the awards ceremony is just about to begin within the regulation time after the arrival of the front runners. Tables are being filled with boxes and bags of gifts and tasteful silver and gold plate trophies line up in front of a sign for the sponsors of this event, PMA, which is some kind of investment company. The platform in front of the cafeteria is full of white robed men with either glistening white or red and white head scarves carefully folded back over their shoulders. There are, in fact, horses standing not 10 feet away who have not yet gone out to do the final loop but what the hay? There are people here who, I suppose, have seen enough endurance today. Everyone is waiting to award the individual prizes in the competition.First place and individual gold goes to HE Sh. Majid Mohamed Al Maktoum Second place and individual silver goes to Salem Rashid Ghadier Third place and individual bronze goes to Mohamed Ahmad Ali Al Subose Fourth place goes to Mubarak Khalifa bin Shafiya All four are riding horses from the Maktoum stable in Dubai. And that's all folks. [More ...] -- Posted By Maryanne Stroud Gabbani to Endurance Riding: News at 11/19/2007 05:36:00 AM