I'm going to have to completely agree with Truman on this one. Having been one of those "little girls galloping all over the place" and having a daughter that does the same thing now, give the kids a break! At least they are doing something constructive outside, instead of sitting inside playing video games and becoming more and more inept to dealing with the real world. We adults need to "take off the helmets" (just a metaphor for letting your hair down) and go for a great gallop and lighten up!
Jessica Cameron ~Montana~Mtn Region
> Yes I know these are shared trails these kids are riding, yada, > yada........ but at the end of the day I'd much rather see 3 little > girls galloping on their horses and having fun - compared to all the > other things they could be doing. Sometimes I think we grown-ups should > just chill and join in the fun and become kids again.
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