We did something very
similar to that at our moonlight ride this summer. We knew we would have some
new riders as our was the last ride in our region to qualify for the GSFTHR. We
talked with one of our vets about doing a "vet's choice" award for newbies only.
That vet would do all of the newbies' final exams and would choose the horse she
felt looked best at the finish, regardless of where they placed in the ride. We
hoped this would send the message the the goal was to finish with the best
looking horse possible. As it turned out we only had one newbie in each distance
that actually completed so there wasn't much "choice"
On Behalf Of Ranelle
Rubin Sent: November 08, 2007 4:25 PM
I would also add a
"High Vet Score" Award for the Novice Division only. Maybe the AERC board can
come up with an award that is sent to each RM who anticipates entry into the
Novice class..?