Re: [RC] LD is the ruination of endurance??! - SandyDSA
naw Angie, you did a GREAT job! I could not have done what you did, with
our two toddlers and a spouse who was gone 24/7 most of the year, traveling with
a ball team, and paid less than a trash collector as I found out:). I also wrote
for a mag, managed a band for a small stipend, and taught horse master ship,
while monitoring our stallion in the show ring. We had a cleaning lady - me -
who also was our gardener, plumber, barn maintenance person, cook, taxi, tutor
(public schools), etc....I know what that regime is like. It took longer to get
to what I wanted to do, and I am still on that road! Many people do not have the
ability, assets, freedom or whatever to do what you did and should not be
penalized or belittled for it.
I am just saying, cheer for those who CAN accomplish faster, higher,
longer...and cheer for those who come from tougher straits to do the same - only
on a much longer path.