"She is VERY blonde (no offense to the
blondes out there). I call her the Tourist, because EVERYTHING is of interest to
her, which would not be troublesome since she is not a spook - until she forgets
where to put her feet."
Years ago I owned a registered Appaloosa
mare with the name DickieBelle. (How can one forget that name) I did
NOT name her :)) We ended up calling her DingleBelle as I think that was
the size of her brain. I purchased her from a high school girl who had
only used her in the arena showing her. At a full gallop, she would turn
her head completely to the left or right to look at something or to look back at
me. Occasionally she tripped and fell or would run into something, or over
a ditch, if I didn't watch where we were at all times. She would turn in a
small tight circle and trip over her feet and fall over as if dizzy. I
sold her as I felt she was too unsafe to trail ride. She just could not
keep focused. Maybe she had horsey A.D.D. She was NOT hyper at all,
very mellow.....just kind of bewildered. Now, I wonder if she had eyesight
issues. Never thought of that back then.