-----Original Message----- From:
ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Jessica Spoone-Raines Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007
9:53 AM To: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Ridecamp
(E-mail) Subject: Re: [RC] Mariposa abuse
If a horse won't work to its physical capabilities
without being hit then its time to re-evaluate that horse/rider combo or the
training the horse has received. Just because a horse can run doesnt mean it
should. The only thing I have ever used a crop for is to tap my horses on the
shoulder to get their attention when they are spazzing. Kinda of like tapping a
person on the shoulder but with a bigger finger. My gelding will run his heart
out for me, I know this quite well. Thats why I am always doubly sure to not ask
him to. He is my friend and well you just dont hurt your friends, you try and
look out for them.