If the 50 mile distances were set up as combination elevator rides...you
could either enter the 50 or the elevator 50. If you enter the elevator 50
you can quit at any vet check and you only get credit for your miles, not your
placing. That way those who know they don't want to do 50 miles for whatever
reason can still participate. And those old timers who are entering the
entire 50 and plan to go slow can still mentor new riders who only plan to go
part way. The biggest problem would be that entry fee would have to be the
same whether you enter the elevator or the entire 50. And I am not sure what you
would do about awards. I would think a certificate with completed miles to
the elevator riders would suffice. I think there is a place for those who want
to do the shorter distances (I am one of them) and they should
get credit for their miles, just no reason to have the shorter distances
be competitive in any way. Just also want to say that I have seen
abuse at the upper levels of endurance, often subtle and well disguised but
definitely there.
Sandy Bolinger