In a message dated 11/7/2007 9:09:22 AM Pacific Standard Time, donhuston@xxxxxxx writes:
The point here is that as members maybe we should be more aggressive in trying to help others when it's obvious that they are headed for trouble
I so agree with this statement. I'm always saying something to riders about their horses if I think or see there is a problem that either they are not seeing or if they might not be educated enough to know about. I'm always riding by and telling riders that their horse is foaming a lot, or that they might want to give their horse more time at a water tub, etc.
Yeah, I get the same insults, but the horse's welfare is worth the name calling. I've been known as pushy and bossy out on the trail for years now. I've also had more riders come back to me later and tell me thank you for the advice than others staying mad at me.
Years and miles of experience should be used as a resource to share and help others in this sport.
Tammy Robinson Trail-Rite Products 18171 Lost Creek Road Saugus, CA 91390 661/513-9269 office 661/713-3912 cell 661/513-9206 fax