I like this suggestion; make riding with a mentor your first ride (first 3 rides...?) mandatory. That would help the new (to the sport) rider learn and be a step in the right direction.
This is a great idea, but not very practical for some of us. I live in MA and have no one in my area that could even mentor me since there has been almost no one from my whole state competing the last two years since I have started competing. I doubt very much someone would have liked riding 12 hours in Vermont with me on my two 50's that I did. My horse could not have competed too much faster even with a mentor. I know even I wish I could have ridden faster, but we actually wanted to finish-which we did. We don't really have enough rides in our area to help this along either.
I could have had fun on the LD's that I used to start with with a mentor, but not the 50's. I have learned a lot from doing the LD's and highly recommend that they continue being offered. I would have been meeting a mentor on ride day and riding with them for the first time, truly just how practical is this? I got pretty much as much info from the pre-ride breifing and just talking to people as I could absorb and learn from in a given ride(for my LD"S). I did not go to my first rides with much more than the desire to finish, and hopefully not humiliate myself and my horse with a poor showing. I certainly did not fool myself thinking were were ready to race 30 miles.
It is such a difficult thing to make a decision with this type of issue. I approached the sport without needing to feed my ego to win. If I was a rider such as the Mariposa rider, this message would not even be revalent. How do we weed out the uneducated beginner with race mentality and a beginner Endurance rider that has done a lot of homework? I should not be penalized as a beginner for someone else's mentality--but also horses should not be made to suffer for the beginner's ignorance.