"Hey, I enjoy watching muscled-up, athletic men get all
sweaty, especially from the comfort of the couch with a glass of wine."
Which explains Dr G's exhorbitant Pay-per-View bills for Wrestlemania
and RAW.
She also said:>
time any of the gurls wanna see pretty endurance
views, come stand next to me at a vet check, and I’ll make the really
guys in tights trot their horses out an extra two or three times.
Ah, the perks of being a ride vet. Maybe we should all hold up score
cards like the Olympic judges."
I have been the victim of such harrassament and public
humiliation myself at the hands of that gurl, Dr. G. I felt so
cheap. Good, but cheap. Heavy on the cheap. The highest score I got
from the Olympic judges , on a scale from 1-10, was a 7.
Embarrassed and ashamed, all I could say was , "Thanks, Mom. Have
another beer."