Re: [RC] Speaking of "packing heat" - Sisu West Ranch
Holster selection is quite personal, and often
depends upon your personal body shape. For example, both Wendy and I often
use a shoulder holster (Galco Miami Classic) under a jacket or vest. I
understand that some women with large breasts find that they can not easily
reach a shoulder holster.
When I do not wish to wear a vest or jacket, I
often use a plastic holster (my favorite is a Blackhawke SERPA), FBI cant,
carried just behind my hip and concealed by a long loose shirt. I
understand that many women with large hips find this to be quite uncomfortable
and prefer to carry in the appendix position.
Inside the waist band holsters are more
concealable, but I don't use them because I am too cheap to donate all my Jeans
to Goodwill and buy more that are 2" biger.
There are quite a number of sites on the web that
discuss various holsters etc. One good one is ,
follow the holster selection button. S. P. Wenger is quite opinionated,
but usually makes sense to me.
One of the writers on this subject said that one
should not feel bad if you have a drawer full of holsters that don't suit
you. Trying for a week or more is the only way to figure out what suits
you. I sold my excess holsters last year on Ebay, so I agree with
I wish to also add that the cheap, a few sizes fit
all guns, holsters are about as useful as the saddle on the Wal-Mart pony.
Don't be afraid to spend some money.
I like the modern plastic holsters, especially the
Blackhawke SERPA. This design has a positive retention feature that
practically guarantees that the pistol will remain with you after an unscheduled
dismount. Many do not like the feel, noise of plastic and stay with
leather. Good leather can't be beat. Galco and Don Hume make good
Unless your pistol is one of the most popular
brands in the country, your local gun shop will not stock one specifically for
it. I have found that I have to purchase over the web. Great deals
also. Just Google "gun name , holster" or the brand you want. By the
way while the manufacturer's web sites have great descriptions, they sell at
full retail so look around for resellers that give a good
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875