the gray, misty background with the vivid foreground
color of the contestants' horses and tack is,
Well Linda, We are happy you appreciated the sacrifices we riders were
willing to make for arts sake. Sure there were a few whiners who complained
about the incorrect weather forecast and wanted that bland ordinary sunny day..
But most of us told them to just hush, We are making art here. Not only
was it a "gray misty background", but we got it under our clothes, and
everywhere. We really immersed ourselves in art and gray mist that day.
Just in case he needed to re-shoot some of the photos, we had
drizzly misty weather the next day too. Why there isn't any sacrifice
we wouldn't make to help the arts. Some of us even smeared mud on
ourselves to give it a more authentic look:)
It was a really fun ride with nice folks there. My only disappointment is
that the 100 milers did such a good job, but by the time they came in, most
folks had packed up and gone home. If other riders could see the glow and
sense of accomplishment those riders had, they would be more encouraged to try a
100 mile ride themselves.