Now that UAE has decided to send a 6 rider horse combinations to the trial ,the number of international riders and horses combination swelled to 25 .Added to this we have 15 local participants already prequalified for the trial .Last year's local winner at the same ride did an overall average of just almost about 15 kph with a lot of horse left .I wonder whether the winning speed this time could breach the 17 kph barrier with the super fast ,superior selected genetics and well conditioned-for -speed UAE horses leading the way .Or that the high humidity factor [ desert humidity is much lower than in Bidong,Terengganu ] may play a role in capping down the super fast horses from UAE to give John Crandel 111 on Heraldic and the rest of the world to play catch up .A more level playing field perhaps ? We will see.I will join my friend Valerie Kanavy on the sideline to watch and restudy the parameters and get back to our drawing board .Who knows ,2008 might well be just our year{ USA and Malaysia that is } if WEC remain to be still in Bidong.Those in the current USET team should not underestimate this 2 time world champion .There is still a lot of fight in her yet. That magic completion figure of 40 % remained to be breached otherwise the whole circus could well be moved to Newmarket UK or Bahrain ? We missed Michael Stone of FEI and sometime wonder why he resign ed his post so early !?
Dr Nik
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