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Re: [RC] Dubai and Shayk Mohammed on 60 Minutes -
Linda Marins
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Spencer, Maryann LTC (RET) USA
[RC] Dubai and Shayk Mohammed on 60 Minutes - Linda Marins
CBS's 60 Minutes did a 15 minute piece on Dubai
and Shayk Mohammed last night called "Dubai, Inc."
It was pretty good, although I'd call it kind of surface-
impressions-only softball, no real "in depth" reporting.
They covered:
- all of the real estate development (houses, artifical
islands, giant shopping malls),
- the Shayk's ambitions to make a paradise for his
people (health, education, women),
- the Shayks' horses and how much he loves them (one quick
clip of endurance, lots of footage of his thoroughbred
race horses),
- his two chief lieutenants (Sultan bin Sulayen--the
recent WC almost winner--and another guy),
- his wife Haya (while mentioning that there's
another who is rarely seen in public--also no mention
that she is the current President of the FEI),
- lots of clips of how much his people love him (driving
around without a bodyguard in a Mercedes SUV, talking
with his subjects),
- the US ports fiasco,
- camel racing with mechanical jockeys and a
quick mention of the child camel jockeys issue,
but also:
- Dubai's close relations with Iran
- indentured servant construction labor with ineffectual
and unenforced legal oversight
- accusations of forced prostitution
- prosperity without freedom of political _expression_
- the suspicion that what is going on is a speculation bubble
that could burst.
- worry that, like Kuwait, a tiny population of
citizens who get all the goodies and a huge population
of low paid foreign labor without citizenship could
create a fertile recruiting ground for groups like
I found it odd that they never mentioned his brother, who
died only last year.
There is a downloadable video of it at:
Linda Marins
Re: [RC] Dubai and Shayk Mohammed on 60 Minutes
Linda Marins
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Spencer, Maryann LTC (RET) USA
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Re: [RC] Dubai and Shayk Mohammed on 60 Minutes -
Linda Marins
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Re: [RC] Dubai and Shayk Mohammed on 60 Minutes