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[RC] [RC] GSFTR - Peter Harper

    *Subject:* [RC] GSFTR


    Susan Tweedale-Hill (Golshani)
    61500 Rose Hill Rd
    Salesville, OH 43778-9623

Wow!  You folks can really tell a lot from just a
photo.  How many of you have actually taken the time
to talk to Jay before you formed an opinion?

During the GSFTR I had a chance to stop and visit with
Jay for a while.  He seemed like an OK guy to me. 
Sure he has Tats and a bit of a cowboy attitude.  Who
doesn't have at least a few idiosyncrasies?  I also
saw him on trail riding with a broken hand so swollen
he could hardly hold reins.  Every time I saw him he
had a wide smile on his face living in the moment.

Does the fact he dresses different or rides a
different kind of horse justify the ridicule and scorn
I've seen posted on the RC list by people who have
never bothered to get to know him?  You folks should
be ashamed of yourselves.  

What Jay, Keith and others are pointing out is we have
a very real problem in the sport.  There is a very
definite click in endurance.  Those outside the click
who don't ride the right breed of horse, the right
color, wear the right cloths, or the right saddle are
given the cold shoulder or have people talk behind
their backs as you have done.  I've experinced it
first hand.  I've been told to my face that my horse
couldn't "do endurance".

So maybe Jay and others do have a chip on their
shoulder but I think they had some real help putting
it there.

I challenge you all at the next ride to go up to
someone new and introduce yourself.  Say "Hello",
shake their hand, visit for a while, get to know them
and make them feel welcome.  

You'll be doing your self and the sport some good.

Best Regards, Pete

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