[RC] Region One Endurance Ride October 6th, 2007 - Vchorsegal
I am on the board for the AHA Club, Tierra Del Norte, and they are kindly footing the bill to make the Manzanita 50 in the PS Region, an AHA Region 1 Championship Ride. You and your horse need only 100 miles ( 2 50's ) and you need a registered Arabian or Half Arabian. Also- If you have a regular Membership you can upgrade it for a competion card. A cross entry fee is $25, and I am told a nice vest will be awarded to each a reg. Arabian and a Half Arabian who finish first in their rides. Other prizes will be awarded, and the AHA programs ( Horse Achievements Awards ) offer extra points towards Legion of Honor and all that. There are not a lot of entries, please consider this if you are riding at Manzanita- we can sign you up at the ride. Also- the Region 2 ride is planned for Malibu in May 2008, so you would be ready for that one also ! Thanks ! - Heidi Helly