[RC] Thank you for Tank Comments - TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
I just wanted to take a minute to thank all the
wonderful people for all the warm fuzzies sent my way. It means a lot. I've been
really down about this and go to bed every night thinking about it.
Although I try to convince my husband otherwise, he would tell you he only runs
a close second in my heart to Tank. I've never had a horse that I cared about as
much and I've had the pleasure (and sometimes pain) of knowing quite a
And while I was reluctant to post for what ... the
third or fourth time? for everyone's equine health experiences, digging for
something that might help, I'm glad I did, because I've been sent several emails
containing totally new thoughts, tests and questions to bring up to Davis on
My circle of friends these days is made up of a few
local endurance riders, a handful of non-horse type people (who, of
course, are appalled at the amount of money I've spent on an "animal") and my
family of online endurance folks. When I first got back into endurance I was SO
pleased to have found endurance.net and the wonderful forums and tons of
information and my fellow Quicksilver members, and all the crazy people like me,
who love endurance. Since that time, I've met so many of you in person and
gained so many more close friends that I never would have had, without the web.
We live all over the country, but we are all family.
Thank you so much for being such a good support
team and such a wonderful family.