On another note, my family has a 17 yr old exchange student
from Mongolia staying
with us since Monday, thru mid-June. While tacking up to take him on his first “American”
ride today, he explained that they don’t use a girth up front. They have
a set up sort of like a breast collar and breeching, and it sounded like a rear
cinch as well. It must be a regional difference because I’ve looked on
the internet and do see some with front cinches but did see one with no front
cinch. His grandma has around 300 horses and they move them from pasture to
pasture throughout the year. He
said their horses only live to be about 14-15 yrs old even though they are well
fed. My guess is the parasites, as they don’t do worming. He is a good
enough rider to start going on some conditioning rides with me if he wants, and
maybe we can fit an LD in for him before he goes home.