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Re: [RC] web bug - Diane Trefethen

Hi David,

Thank you for the interpretation. I agree that letting HSUS know that one of their emails was read isn't all that threatening, especially if ID 31626134 refers either to the email itself, ie, which one of their pieces got the hit or if it refers to the email and/or Terry since she was the one that forwarded it. In either case, HSUS isn't learning anything about me or anyone else on Ridecamp (whew!).

However, I feel that the fact of the web bug, not the intent of the sender, is what is disturbing. Again, if they had TOLD Terry they were tracking her readings of their missives, fine. It's doing it in secret that bothers me. Just like the difference between the servers that ASK you if they can download a cookie vs the ones who just do it without informing you. I respect the former because they are giving you a choice and I really HATE the latter for dumping THEIR info collector on my computer.

Again, thank you for your telling us what that web bug was doing. I now know JUST who to call.... WEB BUG BUSTERS!! :)



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RE: [RC] web bug, David LeBlanc