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[RC] Suicide race -
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[RC] Omak Stampede -
[RC] Omak Stampede - CTH
Dear Michael Marchard
As Chairman of the business councel for the Confederated Tribes of Colville Reservation you may find the email I sent to the Town of Omak of interest.
Paddi Sprecher
From looking at your web site Omak has many positive events to attract tourists to your area.
You may find it of great interest that the Omak Stampede is being discussed on an endurance chat line with over 3000 members world wide.
The Suicide Race is getting very bad reviews. Video is being shown and it is reflecting very negatively on your town.
The information will be cross posted to many lists. That is the power of the internet.
Rodeo on the whole is being targeted as a sport in many areas. Some Canadian Rodeos have dropped some events under public pressure.
Perhaps it is time for Omak as a Town to look at the image it wishes to project to the world and stop the abuse of the Suicide Race.
We are not fanatics but horse owners who wish to see the humane treatment of horses.
In business today image is everything. The eyes of the world are watching Omak.
Paddi Sprecher
Devon Alberta
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[RC] Omak Stampede -
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[RC] Suicide race -
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[RC] Omak Stampede
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[RC] OT: has anyone ever lived/visited the UAE