My apologies for list clutter. Just kind of
getting overwhelmed. I have a question bout crews. Specifically, I
will be doing the 50 and Missouri Final Fling the day after Thanksgiving.
Will I really need a crew for a 50? I think normally, I could get some
great crew folks but the day after Thanksgiving may prove much more
difficult. What exactly is it I need a crew to do for me? Is that
particular ride feasible without a crew?
I'd also like to see someone's list (and there has
to be list makers on here) for what is an essential thing to take and what is
just comfort or efficiency to take. This will definitey be a bare bones
trip for me as I can't justify acquiring potentially $1,000s worth of stuff only
to discover it doesn't appeal to me after I've run one or two. So what for
you makes a significant amount of impact that you would say, "If I don't have
such and such with me, I might as well stay home."
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