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Re: [RC] [RC] Dyna-spark - Beth Walker


Oh ... how much do you put in the bottle?

I've tried this a bit, but while he doesn't dislike the Dynaspark, he isn't crazy about it, either. Then again, he is the only horse I've ever known that snorted and backed away from plain molasses. He likes it on his beet pulp, but won't lick it off my hand. I tried the applesauce / Dynaspark, but he wouldn't touch it voluntarily, so I think I must have gotten too much dynaspark in the mix.

On Sep 17, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Ranelle Rubin wrote:

The directions say "2oz 24 hrs before competition, then 2poz at each checkpoint before feed and water, and 2 oz at the finish."

Here is how I use it: I start Thurs eve with 1oz in a mash. I again feed 1 oz Fri. am., Fri pm, and Sat am. Then I dribble small amts into my horse all day as I can..on carrots, squirted into a small mash at a vet check, into a scoop of water at a water stop, or from a bottle of DynaSpark/applesauce/water I have on my saddle. In no case do I give my horse 2oz at a time though. I find small amts more frequently work better for my horse.

At EMS last Feb, I was at a water tank with my scoop. I had put a squirt (maybe 1/2 oz) into the water in the scoop. My horse drank the entire scoop full of water. Another rider who was there asked me what I had used. Her horse would not drink and she was concerned. I filled the scoop that is *always inadvertantly* flavored with DynaSpark with water and her horse drank the whole scoop. I use an "Arizona Ice Tea" huge scoop..so about a half gallon of water..We then gave her horse a small squirt of DynaSpark in the a second scoop..he drank that too..she was a happy camper!

Ranelle Rubin, Business Consultant
Independent Dynamite Distributor

916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax

From: Beth Walker <bwalker2@xxxxxxx>
To: Ridecamp <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [RC]   Dyna-spark
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:10:22 -0700

How much Dynaspark do you use?

On Sep 17, 2007, at 10:37 AM, Ranelle Rubin wrote:

Heidi, that is exactly my experience. You might even try a water bottle in the front pack of your saddle with DynaSpark/ applesauce/ water..your horse will likely drink it right from the bottle. I then top it off every chance I get and it becomes "flavored water" for him when water is scarce. I use a large Propel bottle because he bites the end off anything else.

Ranelle Rubin, Business Consultant
Independent Dynamite Distributor

916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax


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