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Re: [RC] [RC] Staying in AERC [was AERC re: Dr Q's Comments] - Carla Richardson

At the risk of being in trouble for posting a "ditto" post, I'll do it anyway.  (sorry, jt)
So, ME TOO, Dr. Beverly.  "Everything she said" ... applies to me.  I love AERC and RC too.  And all who sail (ride) in both.  For most of us, it's all for the love of the horses, and the trails. 
Here's to freedom to ride.
Carla Richardson

On 9/17/07, Beverley H. Kane, MD <sensei@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Truman, Lisa, et al,

Having randomly tuned into what might be a humorous exchange w/ Dr. Q, and
having found, instead, people threatening to take their marbles and go home,
I feel I must speak up here.

As someone relatively new to the sport and to AERC, I am rather oblivious
to, and dismissive of, the internal machinations of the old guard. I am
thrilled to have an AERC and I urge all of you to cast away old gripes for
the greater good of the organization.

Re: [RC] AERC re: Dr. Q's comments, Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Staying in AERC [was AERC re: Dr Q's Comments], Beverley H. Kane, MD