Many on here have their OWN venue and seem to have
forgotten: To Finish is to Win. When I started back in the 80s, we
slept in horse trailers, pickup beds, cots, tents, whatever worked to keep the
weather off us for sleeping. NOW there are massive living quarter's horse
trailers and BIG business has invaded. There is a saying: Opinions
are like A**holes, everyone has one. All too often the business overtakes
too many basic values.
Thanks Kate for getting spot on .My English nuances is
not perfect ,sorry D'Arcy ,I am neither pro US nor anti . Just very curious
.You guys 'brow beat ' everyone at any other sports but in your traditional
one as in endurance you are coming up with all kind of excuses to
preempt and say you cannot do well ! It seem to me you have lost the 'mental
game' .The poor Kenyan runners do not 'ponder' across the fence to look at
their brother runners in Europe or elsewhere getting better fed or
special 'vitamins' from the state .They just carry on because Abebe Bikela
used to be champion way back in the 60's .National glory ?? Perhaps .Of course
it helps when that is also the only route to fame and money in an impoverished
economy such as Kenya . Yes , I am just curious ,no malice intended .And
yes ,WEC 2008 will be a level playing field .Even we who are minnows at the
game are nursing great ambitions .Good to be dreamers .
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