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[RC] A week for miracles - Spottedracer

This has surely been the strangest weeks of my life!  As I explained to a Methodist Minister whom works with the students at my college; "Scientific explanations just aren't working this week!".... Previously, I've never been very religious - but I'm getting to know Rev. Green very well nowadays.....

Examples of the strange week:  Standing over Mom last Sunday, Dad was discussing with my sister and I, how the wedding bands were to be distributed. (sister get 'em all - I've got Grandma's on my finger...). Sis mentioned that one of my diamonds was missing, Dad and I looked - all there..   Next day, after Mom woke up, I looked down and one WAS missing!

... On wed, they took the respirator off of Mom. She immediately tried to speak. By Friday, she was in a private room - eating KFC (with a little help w/the spoon), positive she was going home 'tomorrow'...

...This morning, I received my Chem 'senior standing form 2003-05'.. To my utter DISGUST - I was missing a 2-hour course (only offered in fall), which the form that I'd been marking off - didn't have listed... OK - I FREAKED!  Pulled out my copies of the '03-'05 and '06-'08 Catalogs... Current catalog doesn't require that ONE course - and I'll have it all done by May '08!   WEW! - just changing catalogs, and I'll graduate on time.. Can you believe that just that ONE course was the ONLY difference between them?!?!

>>> And finally, a herd of endurance horses - which haven't been touched in two weeks (cus of Mom).... Had to do their sat morning of lessons.. With the first class being my rank beginners.  I expected some energy/slight problems outt've the horses. Not a SINGLE problem!    Amazing...

- LP - finding religion these days...