Friday coming home from work, my husband and I were driving up the driveway
when I noticed we had several interlopers in our horse pasture. There
were 6 black cows grazing in the pasture with the horses. I said,
"honey, did we get cows?". He goes "what cows?". So
I pointed them out. Now the mystery here is that I have 5 foot board
fences with hot wire around the top. There are no gaps in the fence, I
know, I looked. So how did these six black cows get into my pasture? There
was one bull, three cows, a yearling, and a baby. They were all pretty
tame, and the horses couldn't have cared less about them, but how did they get
in my pasture? After a bit of investigation, we found they belonged to my
neighbor down the road. He shows up with a tractor to fetch them,
thinking they'd follow the tractor home because they think it has food. I
promptly retrieved all seven horses from that pasture, and put them in the
corrals by the barn. I then saddled up Cindy, the old reliable pony on
the property, and went to help relocate the cows. We got them out of the
woods, then out of the pasture and down the driveway, where they decided to go
wandering. I tried to herd them back towards their property, but they
weren't too afraid of the pony. One of my other neighbors came out on his
old black roping horse, and then we got them back to their home. It was
an adventure! We never did find out how they got in my pasture.
morning saw us relocating the neighbors donkey and his friend the Mini back to
their property. They came to visit, and in the process, scared the heck
out of Merlin...he's never seen a horse that small before. I see a training
issue here....
afternoon, it was a stray rabbit. A little brown lop eared tame one. He's
now in a cage in the chicken coop where the coyotes can't get him. We
haven't found where he came from yet.
a little worried about coming home tonight....