LOL! ? Just this weekend, I went riding with a friend whose horse grabbed a tumbleweed and was trying to eat it while trotting behind my fellow ... goosing him with the tumbleweed as she went. ? Woopee! ?:) ? ?So ... OK, exercise and eating are incompatible, but for a slightly different reason... ?:)
On Aug 28, 2007, at 10:49 AM, Katrina Mosshammer wrote:
OK, I'm not knocking the bitless thing at all, but I found this comment very funny in the FAQ section?on the website. They must not be talking about endurance horses.
<<Why does use of a bit interfere with a horse's breathing?
Just as food in the mouth stimulates digestive system reflexes, so also does a bit. A bit signals a horse to "think eat". Yet a horse at exercise needs to "think exercise". The bit stimulates digestive system responses, whereas exercise requires respiratory, cardio-vascular and musculo-skeletal system responses. Eating and exercising are two incompatible and mutually exclusive activities. Horses have not evolved, anymore than we have, to eat and exercise simultaneously. >>
?I think they're great and haved use?one on all my horses...even if they previously were ridden in a bit.? Here's the link to the website:?