Perhaps a better comparison would be to Bill
Gates who revoluntionized the basic computer to be user friendly make it so
most anyone who can read and write and take instruction can use a
computer. We do reward our ingenious types here in
US. Best not to compare to those who teach but do it on
a vow of poverty.
Oh GAWD! PLEASE do *NOT* perpetuate such extraordiary
It was Ivan Sutherland ("Sketchpad"), followed by Adele Goldberg
("Smalltalk") and her team led by implementer Alan Kay at XEROX Palo
Research Center (PARC) who invented the modern direct manipulation
visual interface. Goldberg and Kay were trying to develop
intefaces for children!! XEROX had little interest in what PARC
produced and made only one half-hearted attempt to productize it
(the ill-fated XEROX STAR).
Apple's Steve Jobs was the one who recognized the genius in XEROX
interface and licensed it from them to put on the LISA, followed
by the original MacIntosh.
All Bill Gates did was steal CMS from its original developer for $20,000
sell it to IBM, while adroitly getting them to agree to allow him
to also
sell it additional third parties. WinDOZE was years late to the
a crock when it showed up, and has continued to be nothing but the
ghost of the interfaces-that-might-have-been if Gates hadn't been so
brilliant at perpetuating his monopoly (lost in the Supreme Court,
won in the Bush Justice Department).
JEEEE-ZUS!!! You couldn't have gotten it more wrong!