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RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] - Katrina Mosshammer

Well, you obviously don't know this mare. "Low-Key" is not in Kissie's

As we said we spent almost 6 years getting her leg better before we ever
considered doing a ride on her. This mare has more athletic ability than a
lot of horses I've seen. She had the best vet scores of any horses we have.
She has been in this pasture this year because mom has started the
youngsters. You should see the "go to hell" look she gives when you don't
take her with you. We used her to pony the youngsters when they are starting
and she gets downright pissy with the slow stuff. She will pull you to go
down the trail and not just at rides when the adrenaline is up she does it
at home as well. She loves to go and hates to be left. After one ride when
she was done and back in camp, she managed to get out of her pen and took
off down the trail. And played "catch me if you can" with us. She just
hadn't had enough.

And as for going and getting another horse; let me tell you our situation.
We have eight horses and a donkey. Three of the horses are our old guys all
over 25. My appy mare is in her early teens but has gone blind so she just
stays in the pasture. Perle and Deke are my 8 yo mare and 5 yo gelding,
which are our current endurance horses. Goblin is mom's 4 yo which is being
started under saddle this summer. And Kissie who is semi-retired while we
work with the youngsters. We choose to keep our retired horses.

You are more that welcome to come see this mare anytime and you can see for
yourself that her life is much better off now that we have put the time into
her and gave her a job that she truly enjoys.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Sullivan [mailto:greymare56@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: August 23, 2007 7:31 PM
To: Katrina Mosshammer
Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RC] [RC]

After reading this, I walked away to think, instead of reacting to
it....still have to give an opinion....given what is -written- below, I
still have a hard time thinking that doing any kind of distance riding is a
good or kind thing for this mare.  Bless the hearts of the folks who rescued
her and obviously put in so much care to improve her life.  I would think
there would be a lot of low-stress jobs this horse could do; in best-case
scenario...but I have a hard time understanding why someone would chose to
do distance on a horse with no tendons and a broken down fetlock joint...and
if the horse has to wear a special curved shoe; and is not landing properly
on the hoof, then the hoof structures can't be that healthy either and.....

WHEN THERE ARE SO MANY sound and well-conformed horses going to auction and
killers for a pittance, isn't that perhaps a better place to put efforts to
develop a distance horse......?

I guess I am going to get flamed for this.....and please don't compare this
horse to human atheletes who overcome physical disabilities in order to
accomplish athletic wonders; becase this horse has no choice.....

Maybe the horse isn't as bad as the post sounds..and maybe I am being just
judgemental.....but it's my opinion......there are tons of horses out there
that would be well suited for the sport of endurance....


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[RC], Dianna Chapek
RE: [RC] [RC], Katrina Mosshammer
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC], Karen Sullivan