I have seen it, and it wasn’t
pretty. The loose horse started firing away and backing up towards at my riding
partner’s horse who had no escape route due to a
bank behind him. It was a close call, thankfully, no one was hurt. It was not a
Parelli student.
Uh, wait a minute. Am I understanding this correctly? That there are people who are taking horses out on trails (public, private, whatever)
used by *other people* (horse, bike, hike, mamas
with babies in strollers, whatever) that are under no sort of physical control *whatsoever*? Not even being ponied in a halter on a rope behind another horse? Just loose?
And that the only restraints on these horses that exist are the fantasies thriving in the minds of their
delusionary owners? Which is to say: *none* at *all*???
Tell me I've
got it wrong!
Tell me that
this is like two or three idiots in the whole nation!
*Please* don't tell me that one is bound to find at least one such nut