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[RC] slaughter issue - Donna Coss

Argue all you want about over breeding, horses should be labeled "Pets" etc. etc. but consider that
during the first four months of this year 7860 horses were slaughtered in Mexico.

*An increase of 254% * This means 24 thousand horses in 2007 will be subjected
to the most inhumane conditions one can imagine! Is this what you wanted?

They will not have access to hay and water when they arrive in Mexico. There will be no federal inspectors
that greet them to assure that they are treated humanely when they came off the trucks.

They would have had adequate care in the U.S. because this is in the plant inspector's job description. They would also
meet a well placed captive bolt that stunned them into unconsciousness, under that inspector's supervision.

Contrast that with cattle prods pushing them off over crowded trucks, no food and water after a night mare
journey of thousands of miles. Horses of all ages jammed together, stallions fighting, mares separated from foals,
and them run into chutes with cattle prods again and I have described the rest and I am certain one can not even
imagine what is really happening to these poor animals-- because they don't care in Mexico!

Now I read that many in the Quarter horse industry are killing foals at birth if they are not suitable for some
reason or another. Maybe they don't like blue eyes, or they get a solid and wanted a paint, or they don't like the
look of the foal and it is not up to their standards. Evidently this is becoming very common and a dirty secret
in many purebred barns--and even in the Arabian and other breeds.

The PETA money could have been spent to alleviate suffering instead of compounding the problem. If you
can stand up and say, "you are against slaughter and I want horses to be Pets" you better have solutions and
closing the slaughter plants, in my opinion, is not the right answer!

It is so easy to say, close the plants, but that is not the answer here. You are just sweeping all of it under
the carpet--out of sight, out of mind! Instead, open the plants and spend money to make certain they are
run by humane people and find a solution to do as humane a slaughter as possible. It can be done, but it would
take money and dedicated personnel.


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