[RC] Trail-Rite's Web site- new online shopping! - Trailrite
Our new "online shopping cart" www.trail-rite.com web site is now up
and going. I still don't have all of our products entered yet, but have
told myself that I'll try and do something on it everyday. If I was to
wait for it to be all done it was never going to happen and I'd be broke in a
year.....thanks for checking it out and let me know of any corrections or
products you see that we should add to the site.
Also our Git-R-Done I, Oct. 27th, 2007 Endurance Ride entry is also
available on our site.
Tammy Robinson Trail-Rite 18171 Lost
Creek Road Saugus, CA 91390 661/513-9269 office 661/513-9206
fax 661/713-3912 cell SALE ITEM: Trail-Rite's Sponge Bag, $15.00
reg. price $20.00 until 08/31/07 http://www.trail-rite.com/ Trail-Rite