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[RC] Strangles vaccine - Spottedracer

Years ago, I was given the advise to give Strangles vaccines - since I was showing heavily.  Prior to this, I had NEVER given the strangles vaccine - nor- ever had a horse come down with strangles on my farm..

Gave the injectable vaccine.

Within two weeks, a young gelding came up with VERY swollen front legs/chest. Assumed possible snake bite (LOTS of Cotton Mouths, Rattlers and Copperheads here..)... Gave 'supportive' treatment.

Two days later, young colt comes up with swollen head/sinuses.. Vet also felt possible snake bite. We were beginning to think we had a nest of them somewhere..

Next young horse showed up with 'standard' strangles. At this point - I researched strangles online, found a slight mention of Bastard strangles. Researched that - realized that's what I was most likely seeing. Took samples into lab with me - sure enough! Tons of Streptococcus showed up in the stain!

Put entire herd on a combination of three strong antibiotics. Almost lost 2 yearlings. They all pulled through..

Know of a breeder who gave same vaccine two years later - had the same problem, but lost several horses.. Since her vet didn't recognize bastard strangles fast enough.

I haven't given the vaccine since. Haven't had a single case of strangles/bastard strangles since.  As a Biologist I must wonder if the DNA in the killed vaccine can/will cause transformation of non-virulent naturally occuring Streptococcus. Only takes a piece of DNA that contains the virulence alleles. And bacteria are notorious for absorbing/incorporating DNA from other species/environments...
- LP