Kim,if you are a member of AERC, checkout the membership book..
Christina McCarthy
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 12:13:15 -0700 From: kimvoo2003@xxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] looking for mentor To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I can not find a mentor close enough to me on the AERC website. I am near Emporia KS. I was woundering if any one mentors over the net. Maybe through emails or something that could answer all training questions and I could keep updated on how things are going then meet at a ride and help me get through my fist couple. I am hoping to make the ride in Collins Mo in Nov. I really dont see how ill be able to find a mentor close. If any one has any ideas please let me know. I dont want to get disgouraged becouse I have wanted to do this for years so any help would be appreciated.