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Re: [RC] Horse Abuse in Malaysia - Don Huston

Hello Tom,
I am a real "softie" when it comes to the treatment of horses. I currently give $50 a month to 5 horse rescue facilities here in the USA. If there was a bonafide rescue facility in Malaysia I would contribute, that is all I can do from this far away. Now if horse abuse was occurring in my neighborhood where I could take direct action I would. Like Patty said "I really and honestly feel helpless here in what I can do".
Don Huston

At 08:11 AM 8/12/2007 Sunday, you wrote:
Angie, in one of our Private posts an Aussie said...."Gee...I'm gobsmacked at the lack of interest on RC....I had expected more of the free thinking of the RC membership....absolutely amazing....But there is a disease in Australia Endurance...and its called money."

This is the way we are viewed from afar.  That disease called 'money' is the reason this is being stonewalled here and there.


----- Original Message ----- From: <rides2far@xxxxxxxx>
To: <goearth@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] Horse Abuse in Malaysia

The Aussies are amazed the Amerikans don't find this a big deal.
I have photos of a horse that someone said they never seen a horse
that skinny and when i post to RC that i have them how many
responses do i get?  1

Tom, I think you're being a little hard on RC. You posted links to the
sites when you made your original post, so there really wasn't a reason
for them to have to reply to you personally to go see the photos as I
did, and I'm sure many of them did. It was sickening, and soo sad. It's
one thing to see starved horses (bad enough) but to see a horse that you
can *tell* was an excellent endurance horse before starvation really hits
home. I couldn't quit thinking about that bay.  If anyone on the Aussie
list can figure out who that horse is I think he could be the poster
child to raise awareness.

As for the Aussies...They seem to be closer to the situation. Apparently
they have sold quite a few horses to Malaysia and considered it a viable
market. Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I've never heard of any
American horse going to Malaysia so who can we mobilize to stop anyone
from selling to them?

I would think that this situation has done Peter Toft's reputation no
good to be listed as that stable's official trainer and if he's got an
excuse for that he should put it out there and defend his reputation.

Oh yeah, and lest people think I grossly exaggerated how much I was
offered for Kaboot...a year's salary for me back then wasn't what most of
your "year's salary" would be. >g< However, it was a good chunk. I'll
admit there's been times when I wondered if I did the right thing, but
after those photos I will NEVER doubt that decision again.

I would guess that many countries planned to lease horses in Malaysia for
the WEC. I'm sure not all 70 horses on this farm look like the ones in
the photos. My guess is there's the elite "competition" string and the
ones who become lame or for whatever reason cannot compete any more end
up on the "starve them down to the point that tourists can handle them"
string.  I think word needs to go out to any country considering leasing
to see that they boycott that farm.



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Don Huston at cox dot net
SanDiego, Calif

Re: [RC] Horse Abuse in Malaysia, Tom Sites