Just a thought to ponder...when there is a change of ride management, while
it is great to encourage the new RM - and they SHOULD be encouraged - on
occasion there are comments that would lead one to believe the former RM was
lousy or at least not up to par. Having been surreptitiously replaced a few
years ago in my job by someone who ultimately train wrecked the thing, I have to
say that it really hurt to hear those kinds of comments, as if the years I had
dedicated were of no use whatsoever. I couldn't help but put myself in the shoes
of former RMs who have new people running their rides, and while it is a relief
to many of them to finally have someone take over the reins - no pun intended -
talking about former RM work as if they are dead or don't read this kin d of
makes me squirm in my chair. I guess I watched Bambi one too many times....can
we be a little more sensitive to the years some people have put into making
these events happen, even if they were not totally party-time events? Besides,
some of these RMs hale from the time when people actually showed up for a ride
prepared to feed and take care of their OWN horse, and not expecting a banquet
in every vet check:). Shoot, I love the perks as much as anyone, but my first
few seasons doing this - during which I frankly did not KNOW any better - I was
without crew, and packed everything I needed myself - stupid me even tried to
pack a little hay once. lol!
So...here's for ALL the "retired" RMs who set up events for someone ELSe to
take over and manage - thanks to all of you for dedicating your time to a sport
with no real thanks in it. God bless you - it is a tough
job! S