I have some photos of my trailer, and how I changed
the hi ties to cotton leads, instead of the bungee ties that came with them. (I
am one who will NEVER use a bungee tie with my horses) Cotton leads with bull
snaps are easy to find in our area. I cut them to the length I want, and then
back braid in a safety snap. I use sailing snap shackles, as I like how they
release. Can have a little fob to grab to release. But, horses who play with
ropes could learn to undo them. All of this is shown in my photos. I also do not
like nylon flat web trailer ties, as they can cut into a horse if they were to
get a leg wrapped. I see some use them on hi ties, and they have that big loop
where it goes through the snap, which is also a good place to catch a leg, or
get their head through. This is why I only use cotton ropes around our horses
(with bull snaps). Thumb snaps get pushed open on buckets or hay sacks etc..