Re: [RC] Horse Death, Thelma and Louise, etc. - Sisu West Ranch
"...Someone also posted along the way about a Tevis rider
putting a water horse up a horse's ARSE for hydration; but they threatened to
sue due to their wealth?..."
We are far from having enough information to judge what
happened in that incident.
Please note: Do not construe this post as in
anyway condoning rectal hydration for either horse or human. The need for
this therapy went away with the invention of the hypodermic needle and sterile
normal saline.
If this happened after the horse had received a
completion, a suit or protest by the owner would have resulted in a restoration
of the placing etc. The ban on invasive therapy, at AERC sanctioned rides,
ends with the completion.
My personal feeling is that to not take advantage of
treatment vets is prima fascia evidence of stupidity, if not total disregard for
the welfare of the equine.
By the way UMECRA has for many years had the rule that a
horse that receives treatment before leaving a ride site is automatically
DQ'd. I have opposed this rule because it may encourage an uncaring or
stupid rider to leave with a horse that needs help.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875