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Re: [RC] horse deaths and poeple - Tx Trigger

Before the latest problems that these two have gotten in to, ride managers in the CT region had dealt with them causing HUGE hissy fits when a ride was cancelled due to weather, making trouble during awards ceremonies, underage drinking in camp, threatening to "protest" when things did not seem to go their way, and a few other issues. But I think some ride managers have been reluctant to deny entry, until they had some form of written documentation from other managers, that they were trouble. While we now have a pretty good case of "just cause", earlier this year, some managers did not feel they did. If a rider protests your denial of entry, which has happened, can you show "just cause" for doing so. The AERC BOD minutes a few issues ago had a write up from a rider who was denied entry, and even with excellent documentation on a rider who was denied entry to a ride, they still protested it, which just makes more work for the manager, to submit to the AERC protest committee information on why they denied entry, and more work for the AERC BOD to deal with these issues. Maybe in the past, some managers felt it easier to just let them ride, and hope things go trouble free.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barbara McCrary"
> There IS a rule in place for ride managers to refuse entry.  It says, "entry
> may be refused for just cause."  In this case, I don't question the "just
> cause."

[RC] horse deaths and poeple, Tx Trigger
Re: [RC] horse deaths and poeple, Barbara McCrary