[RC] AERC National Championship - Oreana Idaho - Steph Teeter
Three more weeks to get your entries in!
Looking great. Some clearing to do (trees!) this week, vet checks, trails, water stops, etc - in good shape.
We're laying new electric lines for night vetting/trotting. Adding shade canopies to the 12x12 corrals (yeah!), planting grass, a few new fence lines. Improvements to the 'restaurant' out back.?
Management is providing dinner Thursday, breakfast Sunday (hearty Idaho breakfast). Wednesday and Friday evenings we'll have some refreshments after the ride briefing, and meals can be purchased through Blue Canoe.
Blue Canoe Restaurant and Catering will be on site Wednesday afternoon through Sunday to serve meals, burgers, breakfast, etc in the shaded yard.
Clinics: (Friday)
**APEX Clinic: John Crandell III, Stag Newman, Ann Stewart - will be conducting a clinic on training, competing, selecting, evaluating, etc, for Endurance?
**Hoof/Shoe clinic: Kirk Adkins, Olin Balch DVM, Bruce Worman will hold a 'hands on' clinic for discussing and evaluating shoeing and trimming for Endurance
Country Band - "Run For Cover" - will be entertaining Thursday night, music to listen to and music to dance to!
Malaysian guests: the OC for the 2008 WEC is planning to visit and observe and meet riders and officials.?
Many thanks to our Sponsors!
Arabian Horse Association just signed on as a Gold Plus sponsor.
Oak Knoll Sporthorses and *KS Rubin (imported Shagya stallion) are sponsoring the Friday Wine and Cheese Social, with wine from Idaho's Sawtooth Winery. (who's got the cheese??)