My own concern with removing the scabs, and not
having much regrowth of new hair yet, would be possible sunburn to the bare,
sensitive skin. But, removing the scabs is part of treatment. Did a
google, and found a couple articles on rain rot. Had no idea that it was
"Horses exposed to hot, humid, or rainy conditions
are at risk for development of rain scald. Rain scald (rain rot,
dermatophilosis, or streptothricosis) is a summertime skin disease caused by the
organism Dermatophilus congolensis. It is an organism with properties of
both fungi and bacteria that infects the hair follicles. Because there is damage
to the hair follicle and shaft, the hair will pull out easily in small clumps
leaving pink skin. The lesions also might become scabbed over or contain pus. It
is most common over the back, rump, fetlock, and cannon bone.
The organism is contagious and can be spread by tack, equipment, or insects.
Keeping horses clean and dry is effective for both prevention and treatment. It
is also important to disinfect all tack and equipment to prevent spreading the
organism. Antibacterial shampoos and rinses containing agents like chlorhexidine
are effective for both equipment and animals. The use of ointments is not
advised, as they tend to hold moisture in, while the goal of treatment is to
keep these lesions dry."