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[RC] Informal Summary Minutes of the July 02 meeting - Michael MaulThe informal summary minutes of the July 02 meeting are below. The final minutes may change before approval by the BoD at our next conference call in August.Not all committee reports are included in the summary but all will appear in the final minutes in EN and online. Mike *************************************************** BOD phone meeting minutes July 2nd, 2007 In attendance: Mike Maul, Connie Caudill, Nick Warhol, Patti Pizzo, Mike Jaffe, Jennifer Nice, Jan Stevens, Stan Eichelberger, Gail Williams, Terry Woolley Howe, Susan Kasemeyer, Joe Schoech, Roger Taylor, Jeff Trinkle, Barry Waitte, John Crandell III, Laura Hayes, Heidi Smith, Mike Tomlinson, Bruce Weary, John Parke (late arrival), Kathleen A. Henkel, Guest - Melissa Ribley DVM Absent: Joyce Mocilan, Joe Long, Tom Dean, Robert Ribley Excusals for tonight: Randy Eiland via email, motion passes. I. Housekeeping 1. Motion made for excusal from Prior meeting – Kathleen Henkel: None 2. Membership Statistics – Kathleen Henkel Membership as of 7/2/07 - 6603 6/30/06 – 6321 Ride entries as of 7/2/07 - $46,945.16 7/2/06 - $50,959.68 Sanction fees as of 7/2/07 - $14,569.35 7/2/06 - $13,903.23 New members as of 7/2/07 – 1021 New members as of 6/30/06- 1000 3. The minutes of the 05/07/07 and 06/04/07 conference call meeting were approved unanimously. II. Committee Reports (see Attachment for written reports) BOD Members should have read all written committee reports prior to the call. The following committees have brief reports and/or Motions to Present 1. Vet, Trails, and International committees –– Motion made to accept reports, passes unanimously. III. Old Business: Santa Fe trail ride update- Mike Maul reports on insured certificates with the wrong name, the agent is re-issuing. Content- what is covered in the general liability section? The policy (25 pages both sides) is coming for evaluation. Roger Taylor reports that Head vet Tom Parker feels all vet check and route issues on day 2 are falling into place. IV.New Business: 1- Motion from international committee to replace East zone rep, see attached motion form. Motion from committee, passes unanimously. 2- Gail Williams- rescheduling of ride due to snow storm, trees down, ride had to be canceled. Reschedule for the 30th pending approval. BOD approves exec action, approved. Golden ears ride change of location due to park not giving a permit. Motion passes unanimously. 3- Patti Pizzo reports on the budget timeline requirements. She hopes to have all ready by next week, July 14th draft to the board, for preparation for the midyear meeting. Sept 10th conf call vote for working budget for 08, for publication in the November Endurance News. 4- Connie Caudill asks Melissa Ribley about the brief death report recently received, and if that will be the final version. Melissa describes the process of finding out info about fatalities post ride. She suggests we need to take a look at the process; the vet committee did that in their last call. They will recommend a policy change at the midyear meeting to better deal with this situation, involving the committee contacting the rider more directly. 5- Susan Kasemeyer reports that she would like to see a series of articles on helping riders meet and know your directors. She suggests we write short articles about ourselves for publication in EN. All agree it is a good idea. Bruce Weary to start. VI. Meeting Adjourned at 6:37pm pst *************************************** Veterinary Committee Report Submitted 6/18/07 by Melissa Ribley, Chair 1) The committee welcomes new member, Bruce Weary. Bruce will be replacing Stagg Newman as the non-veterinarian board member on the committee. The committee would like to thank Stagg Newman for his excellent guidance to the committee as the previous board member of the committee. 2) The committee is evaluating the current equine fatality reporting policy. The current policy reads as follows: 2/7/05 Board Conference Call: Horse Welfare Committee to immediately replace the existing procedures for fatality reporting and supplement Rule 2.1.8 with the following procedures: 1. Two weeks prior to the start of each AERC sanctioned ride, the AERC office will send the Ride Manager a packed including a set of instructions and suggestions, a Post Ride Statistical Report form and a Fatality Report form for the Ride Manager to provide to the Head Veterinarian. The Ride Manager shall confirm the identity of the Head Veterinarian to the AERC office at this time. 2. The Head Veterinarian shall complete a Post Ride Statistical Report form immediately after the ride and submit it to the Ride Manger for transmittal to the AERC office. If there is a fatality on the ride or related to the ride, the Head Veterinarian shall also immediately complete the Fatality Report form and submit it to the Ride Manger for transmittal to the AERC office. The Ride Manger shall be responsible for making sure the Post Ride Statistical Report and Fatality Report forms are completed and transmitted to the AERC office in a timely manner. 3. The AERC office shall open a file for each fatality incident and forward copies of the Fatality Report form for the incident to the members of the Board of Directors, the Veterinary Committee and the Horse Welfare Committee. 4. The Veterinary Committee shall prepare a report to the Board of Directors concerning the cause of the death. This report shall be confidential and shall not be made public. 5. The Veterinary Committee report and veterinary records of other materials collected by the Veterinary Committee shall be made available to the Horse Welfare Committee. The Horse Welfare Committee shall investigate the circumstances of the fatality and shall prepare a comprehensive report concerning the incident to the Board of Directors. Witness statements, records and other materials gathered by the Horse Welfare Committee shall not be made public. After review and comment by the Board of Directors, the Horse Welfare Committee's fatality reports hall be made public by publication on the AERC website and in Endurance News. The current policy requires the head veterinarian to report fatalities that are related to the ride that may occur well after the ride is over. Because a significant percentage of fatalities occur post ride, without knowledge of the head veterinarian, the committee recommends the policy be changed to reflect that person who would have knowledge the fatality occurred, the owner/rider. be required to report a fatality related to the ride. The head veterinarian would remain responsible for reporting fatalities that occurred during the time of the ride. The initial fatality reports submitted by either the head veterinarian or the owner/rider would be submitted to the Veterinary Committee and Welfare Committee. The remaining reporting procedures within the policy would remain the same. A revised fatality reporting policy reflecting these proposed changes will be submitted to the AERC board for approval at a future BoD meeting. 3) Articles in Endurance News explaining the revision of the drug rule are and will appearing in the May, June and July issues. The veterinary committee is listening to feedback from the membership. 4) The committee is getting bids from outside testing agencies and laboratories to provide drug testing services for AERC. Delare Laboratory, the laboratory used by AERC for our drug testing program, does not provide current and modern testing technology. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=