I'm not making rides again this year for three
reasons, none of which have to do with the price of gas -
1.) My old endurance horse is grade 1 lame - most
likely arthritis in the hip. Doesn't appear in pain, but is unable to trot
sound, takes a short stride with the left hind.
2.) My new endurance horse is green as grass, has
trailer issues and basically needs at least an hour or two a day for life
experience before I take her anywhere, which leads us to . . .
3.) I don't have enough time! My current job
entails me working every other weekend, and I just can't seem to prioritize the
horses high enough to break through the demands of family and employment.
Since at the moment, with a barely broke horse and a damn near 47 year old body,
riding is neither relaxing or easy, I can't even use my riding time to
It seems like it's only about twice a month that
I'm not working, don't have a family obligation, and the weather isn't windy,
wet, or over 90 degrees. I can't afford a trainer I trust, so messing
around with the mare a little at a time is the best I can do.
Sigh. There's always next year (for the ninth year in a row).
Laurie in Clare, MI
On a happier note, I just got enough hay for the
winter for $25. per 4x5 round bale. So there will be a next