Well said, Angie. Like the
blind men and the elephant, each of us gropes our way to a bit of wisdom and
truth. By coming together and sharing what we have touched, maybe we can
eventually figure out what the elephant actually looks like. Although we are on
opposite sides of the fuel issue. It doesn't necessarily follow that one of us
is wrong.
Personally I love the give
and take of spirited debate - perhaps too much. I know my wife is always
warning me to speak less and listen more. And she's usually more right than
wrong. I know some folks are uncomfortable when they hear disagreement. But
just because I disagree with someone, it doesn't mean I dislike him/her, or
think that he/she is stupid. We just see things differently. And for the
record, my horses are barefoot and I keep them on pasture as long as my grass
holds out. And right now I'm doing LDs, but that's just because my mustang and
I are newbie's. And Angie, I hope to meet you someday. --Dave