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RE: [RC] [RC] May 2007 Veterinary newsletter -
Jim Holland
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Re: [RC] are there any full seat tights/breeches out there that don't have inner seams? -
Clarence Nunn
[RC] American River crossing at Poverty Bar (Tevis trail) - Tx Trigger
Here is the CA dept of water resources website that tells water level. This link is for Middle Fork of the American river
You can search around on the website and look at the levels for past rides. But at a quick glace, the river level now, seems to be at what they normally have the flow at for the ride. But that was just a quick glance, looking at feet data only.
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Re: [RC] are there any full seat tights/breeches out there that don't have inner seams? -
Clarence Nunn
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RE: [RC] [RC] May 2007 Veterinary newsletter -
Jim Holland
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[RC] American River crossing at Poverty Bar (Tevis trail)
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