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[RC] Race-Brain Riders Fort Howes 2007 & 2006 - Don Huston

I know you statistics pros will say I'm all wrong but the raw numbers look pretty bad to me. The endurance rides in the MT region for 2007 as listed on the AERC website thru the Black Hills ride show 477 starts and 432 completions for 91%. The LD's had 256 starts and 231 completions for 90%. That seems very good, 90% and up was an "A" when I was in school and it appears that the endurance motto "To finish is to win" is alive and well among the average endurance riders in the MT region. Now add FEI to a ride name and everyone gets "race-brain" including the LD's. Fort Howes 2006 LD's 21start 17finish for 81% "B". 55mile 29start 22finish for 76% "C+". FEI 100 & 55 combined 59start 32finish for 54% "F". It doesn't get any better in 2007 Fort Howes LD's 30start 20finish for 67% "D+". 50mile 57start 41finish for 72% "C". FEI 100 & 55 combined 67start 37finish for 55% "F". Obviously finishing was a very low priority because a very high percentage of riders did not ride within the abilities of their horse.
So you can attack my record if you want, no wins, no BC's, lifetime completion of 82% "B". Just and average guy who competes against the trail with no right to question those low completion rates. Too bad, I still maintain that a 55% completion rate means that at least 30% of the riders suffered from "race-brain" (read did not ride within the abilities of their horses) and their horses paid the price. I will not support rides that promote rider race-brain like FEI or Championship Whatever, it's just not why I ride.

Don Huston at cox dot net
SanDiego, Calif


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